We should remember that these kinds of investments not only save lives, improve livelihoods,
and promote stability – they also save money in the long run. These are long-term efforts that require long-term commitments.

-Bill Gates on accepting World Food Programme’s USA McGovern Leadership Award

AATF is driven by the vision of a prosperous and food secure Africa, where smallholder farmers’ livelihoods are transformed by innovation. Founded in 2003, AATF believes that the agricultural sector is the foundation of Africa’s economic growth and development. The organisation was created in response to a need for an effective mechanism to support access to technology for smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa.

It was formed in response to the need for an effective mechanism that would facilitate and support negotiation for technology access and delivery and formation of appropriate partnerships to manage the development & deployment of innovative technologies for use by smallholder farmers in SSA.

  • We believe that access to agricultural technologies will boost the productivity of smallholder farmer:
  • We support farmers in Africa and especially smallholder farmers in their quest for access to the best agricultural technology:
  • By uniting key stakeholders, we have positioned technology transfer as a priority for Africa’s agricultural progress.

To reach 16 million smallholder farmers by 2022 through our activities and those of our partners. We will drive expanded access, availability and use of innovative technologies to reach 40% of the countries in SSA and increase the incomes of farmers adopting AATF technologies by 20%. We focus on achieving real meaningful change for farmers through 3 objectives:

  1. Diversifying agricultural technologies for our SSA farmers
    Seed and non-seed, mechanical and digital, including innovations and know-how from around the world, that will improve agricultural productivity and enhance nutritional value and post-harvest management of staple and selected non-staple crops.
  2. Accelerating commercialisation of agricultural technologies for improved farmer livelihoods
    Building capabilities of private sector to enhance their speed and effectiveness to deliver agricultural technologies to smallholder farmers for realization of significant impact at farmer level
  3. Creating an enabling environment for increased uptake and use of agricultural technologies in SSA
    Addressing policy and regulatory bottlenecks and market failures affecting the introduction of agricultural technologies and supporting emergence of efficient market systems and sound science-based regulatory systems that will deliver safe technologies


AATF is active in 24 countries of East, Southern and West Africa, currently addressing challenges bedeviling key staples in Sub-Saharan Africa that include maize, rice, cassava, cowpeas, bananas and potatoes.

254-20 422 3700

Naivasha Rd
