Author: J. Muthie

USAID congratulates Nigeria on release of SAMPEA 20-T.

USAID has said that the commercialisation of Pod Borer Resistant (PBR) Cowpea represents tremendous progress in applying innovative approaches to advance Nigerian food security. Dr Faith B. Tarr, General Development Officer and Biotechnology Specialist at the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security Center for Agriculture-Led Growth said,  “We celebrate the completion of a critical […]

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OKOGBENIN: AATF delivers on PBR Cowpea promise

Dr Emmanuel Okogbenin, AATF Director of Programmes and Commercialisation said the launch of GMO Cowpea calls for celebration as AATF has successfully delivered to resource poor farmers a product that will help revive cowpea production in Nigeria and by extension, the whole of Africa. In a remark at the launch, Dr Okogbenin said: “Today’s event […]

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Strong supportive voices for biotechnology crucial for technology uptake in Africa

[Nairobi, July 29, 2021]:  Strong supportive voices for agricultural biotechnology are crucial for the effective deployment and utilisation of biotechnology for improved crop productivity in Africa. Further, more emphasis should be placed on farmer benefits and consumer preferences if biotechnology is to make impact. This was said by Dr. Emmanuel Okogbenin, Director of Programme Development […]

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AATF nominated to critical Working Groups of the African Seed and Biotechnology Platform.

The African Union Commission (AUC) has nominated the AATF to the Working Group on Seed Quality Assurance and Certification Systems of the African Seed and Biotechnology (ASB) Platform. At the same time, the Commission nominated Quali Basic Seed (QBS) Company, a-for-profit company established by AATF that produces and supplies quality Foundation Seed to the Platform. […]

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Investing in innovations key to transforming African food systems.

Investing in innovations and technology ranging from better seeds, machinery and digital tools packaged alongside good agricultural practices and making them easily accessible to farmers is Africa’s best opportunity to transform its food system. African farmers are making incredible progress and they can become even more productive and profitable with the right tools, technologies, and […]

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Adoption of agricultural biotechnologies can increase income for farmers.

Smallholder farmers in Africa are not profiting from their agricultural activities due to challenges brought by climate change, unstable prices for agricultural produce and deterioration in land fertility. Agricultural biotechnology can increase crop yields through the development of drought-tolerant and pest and disease-resistant crops that perform better and yield more harvests. Dr. Denis Kyetere, AATF […]

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Ongoing trials of Rice Hybrids in Tanzania

AATF, the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), and Hybrid East Africa Limited (HEAL) are conducting a second season on-farm multilocation trial (MLT) to evaluate four AATF/HEAL rice hybrids for adaptability and performance in comparison to the three best commercially released rice inbreds in Tanzania across 5 locations: Babati, Ukiriguru, Kilombero, Morogoro and Mombo.   The […]

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AATF in partnership with ISRA and UNIS to deliver agricultural technologies in Senegal

AATF entered into a tripartide Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research (ISRA) and the National Seed Trade Association (UNIS) in April 2021, to facilitate uptake of appropriate agricultural technologies by the smallholder farmers in the country. This is the start of the implementation of a programme dubbed Development of Crop Value Chains for Agricultural […]

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