Author: J. Muthie

Seed companies exude confidence, ready to commercialise TELA maize

by J.Muthie For Peter Mutisya, the Managing Director of PealAgro Services Enterprises Ltd, meeting future food demand will require quick growth in the agriculture sector by embracing modern technologies that have been proven to boost farm productivity. “Any genuine business must adapt to advances of modern-day technologies in the world, and agricultural biotechnology is one such […]

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The wonder seed that kills Striga

by AATF Africa “I gave them the worst Striga-infested portion of my land,” says Pastor Timothy Nyagol Ochiel, a farmer in Simbiri village in Rachuonyo, Nyanza Province, Kenya. “Now it is the most Striga-free part of my farm.” He pauses for a while and adds: “I have never seen a wonder seed like this that kills Striga. I never thought […]

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From hunger to food sufficiency

by AATF Africa Christine Achieng Onyango hails from Nyabenge village of Maranda Division, Bondo District in western Kenya. She is a member of Kayongo Farmers Association, which is named after the Striga weed ‘kayongo’ in Dholuo dialect. The association comprises 20 members, two of them male. Its key aim is to eradicate Striga weed in the area. Christine is a small-scale farmer […]

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StrigAway Imazapyr Resistant maize has unique characteristics says Teacher Philip Ochieng

by AATF Africa I am a geography and agriculture teacher at Sinyolo Secondary School and also a small-scale farmer in Kisumu North district, Nyahera division, Sidika village. I have about one and a quarter acres of land on which I grow maize, beans, groundnuts and bananas. I got to know about the StrigAway Imazapyr Resistant (IR) […]

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