Nigeria’s quest to introduce maize varieties resistant to insects/pests such as Stem Borer and Fall Army Worm (FAW) and drought recorded promising result at the confined field trials (CFT) currently being conducted at the research farms of the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Samaru, Zaria. The trial carried out in partnership with the African Agricultural […]
Read Moreby AATF Africa Pastor Felix Afolabi, owner and founder of Afolabi Agro Divine Ventures (AADV), has been a farmer since 2014 — farming on 360 hectares of land — 300 of which he intends to set aside for growing cassava. This season, AADV has targeted cassava planting on 90 hectares of land, and 75 hectares […]
Read Moreby AATF Africa Majority of farmers in Zambia own land in excess of ten hectares. However, until recently very few farmers had ever imagined cultivating a full hectare of cassava. Most of the land in the cassava growing areas in the country, like in Mansa and Samfya districts of Luapula province and Kaoma district of […]
Read Moreby AATF Africa Cassava, a highly nutritious crop, can be time consuming to plant, maintain and harvest. This has caused many farmers to shun planting the crop and those who plant cassava neglect its maintenance leading to below optimum yields. Cassava Mechanisation and Agroprocessing Project (CAMAP), currently being implemented in Nigeria, Zambia and Uganda, is […]
Read Moreby AATF Africa When Celestina Mumba Chanda heard that there was a new project being implemented in her locality to help cassava farmers improve their crop production she was eager to be one of the first beneficiaries. A resident of Mansa district in Zambia, one of the areas in the country that grows the most […]
Read MoreDetermined to improved maize production in Nigeria, the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, in collaboration with African Agricultural Technology Foundation, (AATF) will soon release Tela maize, a new variety crop in Nigeria. The new Tela Maize, first Genetically Modified Organisms GMO, fortified to resist pest and tolerate drought, is expected to […]
Read MoreTake the example of Jeannette Kanyange, a Rwandan farmer one might find anywhere on in Africa. Three years ago before she started renting a power tiller, a sort of mini-tractor, she used to spend RwF300,000 (US$306) to pay 100 people to till one hectare per day. Renting the tiller dropped the cost to RwF100,000 ($102) […]
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