Author: J. Muthie

Proposed changes to Ugandan Biosafety Act a threat to scientists

Ugandan plant scientists face severe financial penalties and decade-long jail terms if proposed changes to the recently passed Biosafety Act 2017 are adopted, experts say. The draft changes also would undermine several important crop breeding programs intended to reduce pesticide use and boost food security in the East African country. The Ugandan scientific establishment and its […]

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Burkina Faso making progress with GMO research

Agriculturalists in Burkina Faso say their country is still open to using the tools of biotechnology, despite the decision to stop growing genetically modified cotton. A controversy erupted over the low quality of fiber produced by GMO (Bt) cotton, prompting a withdrawal of the seeds in 2015 after they had been in use for eight years. […]

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Freedom to innovate, Calestous dream lives on…

The news about the passing on of Prof. Calestous Juma came as a surprise to many. Most especially the proponents of agricultural biotechnology, most of whom, he had helped voice their enthusiasm towards adoption of genetically modified technology. Among them, were senior scientists at African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), notably Dr Mpoko Bokanga former Executive […]

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OFAB Media Awards unveils Africa’s best journalists in biotechnology

Tanzanian broadcast journalist, Calvin Gwabara, working with Sokoine University of Agriculture Media, emerged the winner under television category and the overall winner of the 2018 Open Forum on Agricultural biotechnology in Africa (OFAB) Africa Media Awards. The Awards, organized in collaboration with OFAB and National Agricultural Research Institute of Burkina Faso (INERA), were held at […]

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