Category: Blog

PRESS RELEASE: Building resilience to agricultural shocks will improve productivity

[Nairobi, September 9, 2021]:  Establishing an enabling environment with appropriate policies, regulations, institutions, and markets to drive the adoption of innovations is key to building agricultural resilience in Africa, said Dr. Canisius Kanangire, the Executive Director of AATF during the 11th African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) virtual Summit 2021. Speaking during a panel session on […]

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SEEDS2B Project delivers seed-based technologies to farmers to improve productivity

Four new varieties of soybean and six of groundnuts were released in Malawi awaiting certified seed production by the private sector.   The Government of Malawi through the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) joined hands with private companies to conduct demonstration trials and field days to promote the new varieties among farmers and seed companies. […]

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Tanzanian farmers to benefit from high yielding hybrid rice varieties

AATF, the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), and Hybrid East Africa Limited (HEAL) conducted a second season on-farm multilocation trial (MLT) to evaluate four rice hybrids for adaptability and performance in comparison to the three best commercially released rice inbreds in Tanzania across five locations: Babati, Ukiriguru, Kilombero, Morogoro and Mombo in July 2021.   […]

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AATF, partners unveil landmark insect resistant cowpea

[KANO: July 07, 2021] Nigeria has achieved a major milestone in the history of agricultural research and development with the official launch and release for commercialization of the transgenic Pod Borer Resistant (PBR) Cowpea at a well-attended occasion held on June 29 in Kano, Northwestern Nigeria. PBR Cowpea (beans), a genetically modified Cowpea is the […]

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IAR list gains of SAMPEA 20-T at public launch.

The Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello Zaria has said that the launch of the new bean variety called SAMPEA 20-T is a very significant scientific and economic achievement for the improvement of the production of beans for Nigerians. Prof. Mohammad Ishiyaku, IAR Executive Director said at the launch in Kano on 29th June 2021: […]

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USAID congratulates Nigeria on release of SAMPEA 20-T.

USAID has said that the commercialisation of Pod Borer Resistant (PBR) Cowpea represents tremendous progress in applying innovative approaches to advance Nigerian food security. Dr Faith B. Tarr, General Development Officer and Biotechnology Specialist at the USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security Center for Agriculture-Led Growth said,  “We celebrate the completion of a critical […]

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OKOGBENIN: AATF delivers on PBR Cowpea promise

Dr Emmanuel Okogbenin, AATF Director of Programmes and Commercialisation said the launch of GMO Cowpea calls for celebration as AATF has successfully delivered to resource poor farmers a product that will help revive cowpea production in Nigeria and by extension, the whole of Africa. In a remark at the launch, Dr Okogbenin said: “Today’s event […]

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