Category: Blog

AATF in Realignment with COVID-19 Management

As the COVID-19 Pandemic enters its fourth month, countries, communities and organizations are hard pressed to transform their modes of operation to respond to its rapid spread that has seen 30,367 confirmed cases recorded in Africa with 1378 deaths reported to date[1]. Similarly, different sectors of life ranging from social, economic and cultural aspects have […]

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It’s Not Witchcraft – It Is the TELA Maize Seed

TELA maize products are transforming livelihoods at household level in Matibidi village, Mpumalanga province in South Africa. Meet Mr Sam Maebela, a seasoned grain and vegetable farmer who realized exponential increase in his maize yield from the 1 drum (200kgs) he harvested from 1.5Ha in June 2017 to 17 drums (3400kgs) from the same piece […]

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East African Community partner states move to fast-track registration of biopesticides in the region

By Dr. Daniel Kyalo Willy Experts on Pesticide Registration from EAC Partners states of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi gathered in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania from September 18 to 20 to finalise drafting of the Regionally Harmonised Guidelines for the Registration of Bio-pesticides and Biocontrol Products. The three-day technical working group meeting also brought […]

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TEGO maize saved me from hunger, says Jane Sabula

By Evelyn Situma Looking at the failed crops around her neighbours’ farms in Eliang’oma village in Vihiga County, 50-year old Jane Sabula is grateful for the decision she took two years ago to start planting DroughtTEGO® hybrid maize on her farm. At her local church, most of the stories from her fellow women are about crop failure, […]

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TEGO: The maize that bore a family a house

By Evelyn Situma Butere, like many towns in Western Kenya was once the symbol of the booming Sugarcane farming. But today, the once burgeoning cane farms have now been replaced with maize. Farmers like Fredrick Anjawa said they opted to shift to maize for survival. “I farmed sugarcane since 1986 but never earned anything from […]

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Remembering Dr Gospel Oluoch Omanya

Our colleague Gospel Omanya, who passed away on 16 June 2019 at age 51 after a short illness, was a plant geneticist and Africa’s frontier seed systems expert with decades of combined work experience, mostly spent as a practitioner of technology deployment at AATF where he worked for 15 uninterrupted years, maintaining his exceptional focus […]

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AATF and IRRI to partner in Commercialization of Rice Technologies in Africa

By Suleiman Okoth AATF hosted a delegation from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at their Nairobi Headquarter office on April 9 to discuss commercialization of rice technologies in Africa. ‘AATF has a strong partnership with private seed companies that are already licensing and commercializing its hybrid rice in East Africa. Collaboration with IRRI will contribute […]

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PBR Cowpea: A promise kept

By Dr. Denis T. Kyetere Our promise to Africa and especially the smallholder farmer is to deliver technological innovations that will address specific agricultural productivity challenges and transform livelihoods. This promise is hinged on our belief that innovative technologies will unlock the potential of African smallholder farmers in their struggle to feed the population. We […]

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