Intellectual Property (IP) and Biosafety Laws in AATF Project Countries
At AATF, we believe that smallholder farmers in Africa should have access to and use of the best agricultural technology that exists in the world today. As part of our mission, we always endeavour to link farmers and other stakeholders with resources that would be valuable in improving food productivity. Explore our resources for free.
African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) – (AATF Project Countries – Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) – (AATF Project Countries – Burundi, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, D.R. Congo, Malawi and Zambia)
COMESA Seed Trade Harmonisation Regulations
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (AATF Project Countries Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo)
ECOWAS Regulations on Prevention of Risk to Biotechnology”
Preliminary Draft ECOWAS Regulations on Biosafety
Preliminary Draft ECOWAS Regulations on Biosafety
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CGIAR Principles on the Management of Intellectual Assets

- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Ethiopia
- Ghana
- Kenya
- Malawi
- Mozambique
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- South Africa
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso Biosafety Law
Regulation- Règles Nationales en Matière de Sécurité en Biotechnologie au Burkina Faso
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Proclamation No. 123 of 1995 for Inventions, Minor Inventions and Industrial Designs
Regulation No. 12 of 1997 Inventions, Minor Inventions and Industrial Designs
Proclamation No. 1068 of 2017 to Provide for Plant Breeder’s Rights
Ethiopia Proclamation No 896-2015
Directive 1 Ethiopia Application Contents
Directive 2 Ethiopia Risk Assessment
Directive 3 Ethiopia Risk Management Strategy
Directive 4 Ethiopia Transport Requirements
Directive 5 Ethiopia Storing and Processing
Directive 6 Ethiopia Accidental Release Responses
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Patents Act, 2003 (Act 657)
Biosafety Act, 2011
Ghana Biosafety Regulations
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Kenya Industrial Property Act No. 3 of 2001
Industrial Property Regulation 2002
Industrial Property Tribunal Regulations 2001
Seed and Plant Varieties Act, Cap 326
Kenya Seeds and Plant Varieties (PBR) Regulations 1994
Biosafety Act No. 2 of 2009
Kenya Labelling Regulations 2012
Kenya Contained Use Regulations 2011
Kenya Environmental Release Regulations 2011
Kenya Biosafety Export Import and Transit Regulations 2011
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Law of Patents Chapter 49:02
Patents Regulations 49:02
Patents (Agents’ Fees) Regulations
Malawi Biosafety Act
Malawi Plant Breeder’s Rights Act
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Industrial Property Code (Decree No. 04 of 2006)
New Plant Varieties Decree (No. 58 of 2006)
Mozambique Biosafety Decree 2014
Mozambique Biosafety Regulations
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Patent and Designs Act, Chapter 344 of 1990
Patent Rules under Section 30 of December 1971
Patents and Designs (Convention Countries) Order under section 27(1) of 1971
Patents and Designs (Additional Transitional and Saving Provisions) Order under paragraph 7 of 1972
Nigeria Biosafety Management Agency Act 2015
Nigeria Biosafety Regulations 2017
Government of Nigeria approved National Biosafety Guideline on Gene Editing_Lagos_Nigeria
National IP and Biosafety Laws
South Africa
Patent Act (No. 57 of 1978)
Patent Regulations, 1978
Patent Examination Regulations, 2003
Notice in terms of Regulation 2 of the Patents Regulations
Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (No.15 of 1976)
Plant Breeders’ Rights Amendment Act, 1996 (No. 673)
Genetically Modified Organisms Act 15 of 1997
Genetically Modified Organisms Regulations (No. R. 120 of 2010)
Genetically Modified Organisms Amendment Act (Act No. 23 of 2006)
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Patents Act (No. 1 of 1987)
Biosafety Regulations 2009
Plant Breeders’ Rights Act 2012 – Mainland
Plant Breeders’ Rights Act 2014 – Zanzibar
Regulations for Plant Breeder’s Rights Act – Mainland
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Patents Act (Chapter 216)
Patents (Amendment) Act 2002
Trade Secrets Protection Act 2009
Plant Variety Protection Act 2014
Industrial Property Act, 2014
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Patent Law Cap 400
Patents (Amendment) Acts No. 26 of 1987
Patents Regulations
Patents (Amendment) Regulations 1981
Patent Rules Section 81 (Appeals)
Plant Breeders Rights Act No. 18 of 2007
Biosafety Act 2007
National IP and Biosafety Laws
Patents Act Chapter 26:03 of 1971
Plant Breeders Rights Act 18:16 of 1973
National Biotechnology Authority Act