Tag: Agricultural Biotechnology

Minister hails OFAB Ethiopia for impactful Agri-Biotech knowledge sharing

(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) The government of Ethiopia has lauded AATF for implementing projects that have impacted the agricultural landscape, with a lot of potential to address unique agricultural production challenges that the country faces. ‘‘The Ministry of Innovation and Technology appreciates the collaboration between the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) and AATF. I am […]

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Mastering Crisis Communication in Biotechnology Regulation: Insights from the Africa Biosafety Regulators Retreat

In the dynamic landscape of biotechnology regulation in Africa, the ability to effectively communicate during crises is indispensable. Yet, many organizations find themselves ill-equipped to navigate such challenges with confidence and precision. Crisis communication within the realm of biotechnology regulation demands a strategic blend of agility, accuracy, and trust maintenance, underscoring the imperative for proactive […]

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Replicating Nigeria’s Pod Borer Resistant Cowpea Success Story in West Africa

By Alex Abutu The success of Pod Borer Resistant (PBR) cowpea in Nigeria is an excellent model for replication in other West African countries. This success has shown that the adoption of genetically modified crop varieties could be a solution to the challenges facing  smallholder farmers in the region. West Africa is a region that […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Delivering transgenic drought-tolerant and insect-protected maize varieties to African farmers

[Mpumalanga, South Africa, April 2023]: AATF has reiterated its commitment to deliver transgenic drought-tolerant and insect-protected maize varieties to caution African farmers from the impact of climate change on their productivity and enhance their livelihood. AATF Executive Director, Dr Canisius Kanangire reaffirmed the commitment while addressing the 5th TELA Maize Project Annual Review and Planning […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Dr. Ousmane Badiane appointed AATF ambassador

[Nairobi, April 2023]: Dr Ousmane Badiane, a renowned agricultural economist and policy expert, has been appointed as the new ambassador of AATF. The appointment was announced in March 2023 by the AATF Board of Trustees, and it takes effect immediately. In this position, Dr Badiane will be responsible for promoting the work of AATF across […]

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Go for hybrid seeds, rice farmers told

Despite the hybrid technology, local rice farmers still use saved seeds for the next planting season.  African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) Project Manager Kayode Sanni talks about how technology has revolutionized farming in Asia. What advantages do hybrid rice seeds have over saved ones? Hybrid rice technology focuses on yield advantage and desirable grain quality […]

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GM Technology will Improve Food Security, Build National Economy

By Dr. Canisius Kanangire Kenya’s Agriculture and Livestock Development Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi in March 2023 urged Kenyans to consume more rice, potatoes, and other forms of carbohydrates in the midst of a crisis occasioned by high maize prices. In the past, leaders across the globe have called for diversification of diets and consuming other […]

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NEW TIMES RWANDA: How agricultural biotechnology could boost food security

GM crops have gene(s) inserted from the same or unrelated organism using genetic engineering methods, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). These genes, FAO says, confer beneficial traits such as pest resistance, ability to grow in extreme and unfavourable conditions and increased nutrient levels among others. Take an example of a GM […]

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Farmers urged to buy hybrid seeds to boost food security

[Kaduna: Feb. 26, 2023] Farmers in Nigeria have been urged to stop using grains as seeds in order to increase harvests. Speaking in Kaduna during a meeting with farmers, Mr. Brighton Karume, Managing Director of ECOBasic Seeds Company Limited, said the country would be food secure if small-holders used certified hybrid seeds every planting season. […]

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